Sanctum Wiki
Heavy Pup
Heavy Pup
Base Health: 5000
Speed: Medium
Armor: 300 (non-weakspot)

150 (weakspot)

Overview[ | ]

  • One of the enemies from The Pursuit DLC, Heavy Pups are the younger versions of Armored Heavies, and like them, they are armored, reducing the damage from all incoming attacks with 300 per hit. Unlike them, however, Heavy Pups are aggressive towards the player.
  • Heavy Pups tend to spawn together in hordes, and often accompany other enemies, usually Armoured heavies.
  • When they attack the core, they deal 32 damage per hit. Their attack speed appears very high.
  • They have appearances in 8 of the game maps - all 4x2 ones from the last two regions (7.Outskirts & 8.Arc Islands).

Notes & tactics[ | ]

Tower Strategies[ | ]

  • As with other grouping enemies, ACP, Rockets & Orbital strike relays work well against them, especially when combined with slowing effects like Kairos or Slow Fields.
  • Bursty towers with high damage per hit like Lightnings & Violators have close to no problems with the armour and if enough in numbers, they can seriously wound them and even execute a part of them or all, depending on how many are the towers and the enemies. The semi-bursty Friendship lasers are also effective. Mind control towers, slows and stuns are an effective assistance for these towers as well.
  • The Focus is partially effective vs limited numbers of them, since it can penetrate the armour, but care should be taken as Heavy Pups tend to come in large numbers, and alone by itself this type of tower is not as effective vs numerous ones, regardless of whether it is a sole overcharged one or multiple Focus towers.

Player Strategies[ | ]

  • Heavy Pups are very aggressive towards the player, but are rather slow even with the Impeccable Accuracy Feat. By circling around them a skilled player can lump crowds of these lumes to use hard hitting area weapons such as REX, Grenade Launcher, or even the Gatling Laser when combined with Tactical Juxtaposition.
  • A Heavy Pup's weakspot is visible on both sides of their head. But due to a slight sway in their stride, it can be difficult to hit.
  • The Armor Shredder perk is useful against them, especially if used with a crowd control weapon such as the REX.
